08/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1213(L) | | | 258,026,720(L) 258,026,720(S) | 21.99 21.99 | 08/11/2024 | 劉興達 | 1213(L) | | | 55,895,444(L) | 4.76 | 08/11/2024 | 陳奕仁 | 1213(L) | | | 98,610,887(L) | 8.40 | 04/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,120,482(L) | | 259,628,186(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.28 26.28 | 03/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,120,488(L) | | 266,748,668(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.00 26.28 | 30/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,120,481(L) | | 259,628,180(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.30 26.30 | 27/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,120,488(L) | | 266,748,668(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.02 26.30 | 26/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,120,487(L) | | 259,628,180(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.30 26.30 | 23/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,120,487(L) | | 266,751,207(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.02 26.30 | 19/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,120,488(L) | | 259,630,720(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.30 26.30 | 16/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,120,488(L) | | 266,751,228(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.02 26.30 | 13/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,120,488(L) | | 259,635,920(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.30 26.30 | 06/08/2024 | 劉興達 | 1102(L) | +680,000(L) | | 55,895,444(L) | 5.66 | 06/08/2024 | 仇斌 | 1102(L) | +680,000(L) | | 680,000(L) | 0.07 | 06/08/2024 | 陳奕仁 | 1102(L) | +680,000(L) | | 98,610,887(L) | 9.99 | 02/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,206,488(L) | | 266,833,208(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.48 26.73 | 30/07/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,720(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.73 26.73 | 16/07/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +6,328,488(L) | | 265,955,208(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.39 26.73 | 09/07/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,720(L) 259,626,720(S) | 26.73 26.73 | 28/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | 0(S) | | 266,834,348(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.48 26.73 | 20/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1213(L) | | | 259,628,000(L) 259,626,720(S) | 27.99 27.99 | 17/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,627,920(L) 259,626,720(S) | 28.82 28.82 | 13/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,206,488(L) | | 266,833,208(L) 259,626,720(S) | 29.62 28.82 | 10/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,940(L) 259,626,720(S) | 28.82 28.82 | 06/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,206,480(L) | | 266,833,220(L) 259,626,720(S) | 29.62 28.82 | 05/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,980(L) 259,626,720(S) | 28.82 28.82 | 22/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,206,488(L) | | 266,833,208(L) 259,626,720(S) | 29.62 28.82 | 17/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,720(L) 259,626,720(S) | 28.82 28.82 | 14/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,206,488(L) | | 266,833,208(L) 259,626,720(S) | 29.62 28.82 | 13/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,206,488(L) | | 259,626,720(L) 259,626,720(S) | 28.82 28.82 | 10/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -1,925,680(S) | | 267,046,208(L) 259,839,720(S) 0(P) | 29.64 28.84 0.00 | 08/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,218,488(L) | | 264,122,800(L) 264,122,800(S) | 29.32 29.32 | 07/05/2024 | TYCOON PARTNER HOLDINGS LIMITED | 1001(L) | -27,242,000(L) | HKD 0.219(L) | 38,632,000(L) | 4.29 | 07/05/2024 | 吴文杯 | 1001(L) | -27,242,000(L) | HKD 0.219(L) | 38,632,000(L) | 4.29 | 07/05/2024 | 沈陶瑜 | 1001(L) | -27,242,000(L) | HKD 0.219(L) | 38,632,000(L) | 4.29 | 06/05/2024 | TYCOON PARTNER HOLDINGS LIMITED | 1001(L) | -34,126,000(L) | HKD 0.235(L) | 65,874,000(L) | 7.31 | 06/05/2024 | 吴文杯 | 1001(L) | -34,126,000(L) | HKD 0.235(L) | 65,874,000(L) | 7.31 | 06/05/2024 | 沈陶瑜 | 1001(L) | -34,126,000(L) | HKD 0.235(L) | 65,874,000(L) | 7.31 | 17/04/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +7,218,488(L) | | 277,075,148(L) 268,760,700(S) | 30.84 29.91 | 10/04/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -7,218,488(L) | | 269,472,720(L) 268,760,700(S) | 29.99 29.91 | | 1 2 |