01241 雙樺控股
公司資料 - 財務比率
雙樺控股有限公司 股票編號: 01241
SHUANGHUA HOLDINGS LIMITED 集團網址: http://www.shshuanghua.com
2023/12 2022/12 2021/12 2020/12 2019/12
資產回報率 (%)-3.895%-6.356%-5.256%-1.378%-8.103%
股東資金回報率 (%)-4.268%-6.657%-5.780%-1.546%-8.988%
資本運用回報率 (%)-4.346%-6.867%-5.979%-1.509%-9.216%
毛利率 (%)14.358%15.838%15.191%15.044%-20.052%
未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前利潤率 (%)-1.568%-57.179%-23.830%1.398%-99.542%
稅前邊際利潤率 (%)-10.566%-104.484%-56.228%-12.553%-115.666%
純利率 (%)-12.025%-97.760%-56.840%-8.078%-109.648%
流動比率 (X)3.370 X8.631 X8.629 X4.261 X7.889 X
速動比率 (X)3.316 X8.630 X8.469 X3.749 X7.064 X
總負債 / 總資產比率 (%)12.727%4.557%4.486%11.346%7.391%
總負債 / 股東資金比率 (%)14.583%4.774%4.697%13.031%8.096%
非流動負債 / 股東資金比率 (%)0.363%0.278%0.367%0.662%0.662%
利息盈利率 (倍)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
存貨周轉率日數 (日)3.912 Day(s)19.300 Day(s)129.771 Day(s)118.901 Day(s)369.617 Day(s)

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